Mannequin / Манекен

Elena Sibirenko-Stavroyani. Mannequin: DIGLOT. In Russian with parallel literary translation into English.
Sales price $4.00
ISBN 978-5-8218-0033-1


This is a story about life in a world where illusory and genuine values are stripped like electric wires, the touch of which is designed to awaken the best version of the human soul. A near real story of parallel lives and worlds, and of what it really means to be human.

Literary translation of the unadapted Russian text into English and its parallel placement minimises the need to use a dictionary, saves time and does not distract from reading, helps readers to better understand the features of translation that do not coincide in Russian and English, provides a wider range of vocabulary and makes new vocabulary easier to remember.

The edition will be useful both for English-speaking readers learning Russian and for Russian-speaking readers learning English.

For those who are interested in the challenges of literary translation, the book will be a valuable teaching aid.

English, Russian parallel
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