Our readers are already familiar with the series of bilingual books “English for pleasure”, in which original, unadapted texts are presented in parallel with their translation into Russian. This allows us to present grammatical phenomena in a single semantic and situational context which contributes to the development of speaking skills.

However, for more effective development of speaking skills, it is important to translate not only from a native language into a foreign one, but also vice versa — from a foreign language into a native one.

To expand and deepen  speaking skills, we’re starting a new series of bilingual books “Language through reading”. Its distinctive feature is that the original text is not by an English author but by a Russian one.

Parallel text placement brings with it a number of important teaching features. The presentation of both the original and its literary translation together minimises the need to use a dictionary, saves time and does not distract from reading, helps readers to better understand the features of translation that do not coincide in Russian and English, provides a wider range of vocabulary and makes new vocabulary easier to remember. All of this gives a better sense of the foreign language and promotes speech.   

The new Stanitsa-diglot series “Language through reading” is opened with a work by the Kiev-based novelist and author of eight books of prose Elena Sibirenko-Stavroyani.

The story “Mannequin” is taken from a short story collection “The Magic Bow” (winner of the All-Ukrainian “The Book of the Year” prize in “Prose” nomination, 2017).

Translation: Enya Lennon UK-based translator (graduated with an MA in Applied Translation Studies from the University of Leeds).

Cover design, idea and graphic design of the series: Oksana G. Zdor (member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine. Diploma holder of the “Forum of Publishers”, Lvov, 2002. Holder of the All-Ukrainian “The Best Book of Ukraine” competition Diploma in “Classical Foreign Literature” nomination, 2017. Holder of the State TV and Radio competition Diploma “The Best Book of Ukraine” in “Classical Foreign Literature” nomination, 2017).  

Artistic and technical editor: Izolina A. Seleznyova (Holder of the “Certificate of Honour” of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “The Significant Contribution” to the development of publishing,  preparation and editing work and high professional skill, 2002. Holder of the “Certificate of Honour” of the Supreme Council of Ukraine “The Significant Personal Contribution” to the development of publishing and the printing industry and high professionalism, 2019).

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